What events/moments/experiences change or refine my past perspective to look at things?
When I was younger I was bullied very badly so now preventing bullying is one of the things I am most passionate about. I also was in a very dark place when I was younger and it made me strive to find all the light and happiness around me and to make other people happy and be nice to everyone because I knew what a smile could hide and how big a difference someone being nice can make.
How can I utilize art to represent my change or revision?
I can use art to help heal myself and help teach others to meditate and work through issues through making art.
How can different materials/forms assist me to express the change or revision?
Using different types of 2d and 3d materials can help students work through and express different personal opinions and feelings.
How does this experience influence my path of be/coming an artist and educator?
This experience makes me more aware of mental health and of teaching students how to use art as a form of self care and self expression.