This past week was my first week of student teaching and I can honestly say that I couldn't be happier. I look forward to each day I get to spend with my students which assures me that I picked the right profession.
With this new responsibility of teaching multiple classes everyday I have felt like I am consistently preforming a balancing act. Each day I have to strategically plan out how to balance spending time with my students, planning for lessons, teaching, grading, getting sleep, working out, making my own artwork and spending time with friends. The artwork above illustrates my feelings of balancing all these things. The books labeled students, supplies, ideas, lessons and projects in the figures left arm are held higher than those in her right arm to symbolize that as of right now I have been spending much more time on teaching than any other aspect of my life. The figure is standing within a timer to comment on the idea that everything I need to do requires time and the true key to balancing commitments is mastering timing. Overall this week has been extremely exciting and I look forward to the future.