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Project Description: 

Students will create a book of emotions by using printmaking with markers on plexiglass to illustrate a time that they have felt an emotion.


Essential Understanding: 

Artists draw inspiration from memories and emotions by letting them influence the colors, shapes, and patterns used in their artwork.


Inquiry/Learning Target: 

Students can create artwork that represents emotions.


Key Concepts:

  • Expressions

  • Emotion

  • Color


  • Printmaking

  • Visually representing emotions


Art Focus: 

Experimenting with a printmaking technique to make different marks.


Literary Focus: 

Students are using art vocabulary to describe artworks.




This week our student's continued to work on creating prints for their emotion book. We also introduced to the students how to create their books by cutting out their prints, pasting them onto background paper and then creating a cover. The student's made multiple discoveries throughout the process. Their discoveries are all documented below! 

The student in the video below was having a hard time thinking about how to depict

the emotion angry. As we talked about a time he was angry he noticed that the image he had drawn

for his sketchbook cover depicted an angry face. He told me he was going to redraw that

expression and as he began to do so he made the discovery that if he placed his glass plate on top

of his drawing he could easily transfer the expression. 

The student below used green to emphasis that he felt sick at the thought of having to eat broccoli. He explained that when he feels like throwing up his face turns pale green. This demonstrates how he drew inspiration from his memory of being chased with broccoli influence the color he used to create himself. 

The student's below demonstrated excellent planning skills. Without being instructed to do so, both students started each page in their books by creating a pre-sketch of what they were going to create and then they transferred their drawings over onto their glass plates. 

After printing his image for the emotion happy, the student below reflected on how one spot in his sky looked like watercolor because he didn't pat it all the way dry. He discovered that by drying some parts of the page and leaving other parts more wet he could achieve a variety of effects all on the same page when printing. 

This student explained that she used the color blue to draw herself because blue is the color of tears. She said that when her friend moved away she cried when she said bye. To her, the color blue means sadness and crying. 

This student explained to me that he had made the discovery that when you write on a plate and print it the letters appear backwards. So in order to get his letters to print the correct way he wrote his word backwards! 

The students below decided to utilize shapes not only within their prints but to continue to use specific shapes for the shape of their paper itself.  

The student below came up with the idea of using tape to create double sided emotions for her flip book. Her unique innovation allowed her to illustrate twice as many emotions. Each emotion was illustrated by using facial expressions. 

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